Saturday, November 5, 2016

World War III Imminent? 11-5-2016

I am really worried now, not only for the future of America, but for the future of the world... a couple of weeks ago, I was sitting in my bed, with my computer on my lap (as I often do) and I decided to get on Facebook.  I remember clicking on the tab and immediately focusing on one particular posting I saw, as the rest of the page seemed to blur around it - it was a picture of President Obama, pointing his finger and shouting; and a picture of Valmir Putin on the other side, as if yelling back at him, and the headline read:  Pentagon Announces World War III Imminent.

I thought to myself, oh my god, it is really happening.  But I was tired, so at that point, I decided to close my computer and look closer at it in the morning.  When I awoke, I couldn't find any such post on my Facebook page; I asked my son-in-law if he had heard anything about it, and he said no; I asked my father if he had heard any such thing, and he said no...and I asked my daughter the same thing later that day.  She said no.  My guess; it was a vision.

Throughout my life, I have had several "dreams" that have come true; the first, being when I was only seven years old.  We were on a family camping trip and a neighbor was caring for our animals.  I woke up crying one night, telling my mom that Koshi (one of our cats) had just gotten run over by a blue car.  Mom assured me that it was only a dream...but it wasn't.  When we arrived home, the neighbor came running over and told my mother that our white siamese, Koshi, had darted out of the door two days earlier, ran out into the road, and got hit by a blue volkswagen and died.

Not all of my visions are bad.  Just so happens, I'm talking about two bad ones here - many others over the years have been positive, or just mundane.  Some as simple as de ja vu; being in a place I have never actually been before, but absolutely knowing that I have seen it.  This most recent experience, though, was truly frightening; it was so real... I really thought it happened.  I was awake (I was sure I was); sure, I was tired.  It was after midnight, but I'm an insomniac so that's not really that late.  I was doing alot of different stuff; had just finished a school assignment and posting in the discussion group, did something on my Google+ page, checked on my book promotion, then decided to check out Facebook before going to sleep.  It was so, so REAL.

Only it wasn't, I guess - but I have to be concerned now, that it just may come to fruition.  With the election now just days away from being over, I'm a jumble of nerves.  Not sure what is going to happen, truly, no matter what.  I think we are in trouble, either way.  Putin doesn't like Hillary from what I hear... and hardly any other world leaders like Donald Trump, so we are going to piss someone off regardless of who wins this election.  I hope, and pray, that whichever way it goes, God will provide the wisdom to our leader that is needed to see us through these troubling times; Lord knows, I'm not a 'Bible-thumper,' but I do believe something is about to change.  There is truth in the scriptures... all the signs are there, just like it's written in Revelations, and we cannot simply turn our eyes and pretend it doesn't exist.  CHECK OUT: 

I'm voting for Gary Johnson, for all the good it will do... how about you?

Monday, July 11, 2016

07-11-2016 A Sad World

This morning, it was announced that the attack on police, at the Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas, Texas, on Friday morning, was carried out by a lone gunman – Micah Johnson - even though they had initially had three other men in custody.  An interview with one mother who was shot in the leg, while running away with her children, was chilling; her description of the incident sounded like a scene from a movie.  The shooter was apparently retaliating for two other recent shootings, on Wednesday and Thursday, (by police officers) in Mississippi and Louisiana that also appear to be unjust.  In fact, the word “despicable” was used in one of those incidents; a man, sitting in his car with his wife and five-year old child in the backseat, doing exactly as he was told by the officer – so far as is known at this point – shot by the officer, point blank (the officer claiming he feared for his life).  Another interview with this man’s wife on Good Morning America made me cry… she swears her husband did nothing wrong; they told the officer that her husband had a gun and was licensed to carry.  The man was reaching for his driver’s license and registration when he was shot.  Supposedly, too, she said the officer told them that they were pulled over for a broken taillight and, in fact, there was NO broken taillight.  She felt all of their lives were in danger and immediately began recording with her phone moments after her husband was shot; the discussion with the police officer, during which she remained amazingly calm, is clear on the video and this officer needs to be held accountable for his actions.  Bless you, Diamond Reynolds.  CAN WE STOP FIGHTING NOW?